→ Bringing Blockchain to Life
2018 . Video Installation; Real-time SVG animation;
Multiple screens (number/size may vary)
#CryptoKitties . NFT Creation . SVG Animation . Lottie
→ Artwork commissioned by ZKM for the Open Codes II Exhibition
Curated by Peter Weibel and co-curated by Lívia Nolasco-Rózsás, Yasemin Keskintepe, Blanca Giménez.
* Pre-rendered Video Edit ↓
The Artwork
The piece aimed to be a dialogue builder into the relationship of Blockchain and Art. Diving into the polemic / controversial / mysterious / magical / somewhat spiritual / disruptive / technology behind NFTs, Bitcoin and other CryptoCurrencies.
A door to questioning the blurred lines that the existence of CryptoKitties created into our categorization system. As well as discussing the generative nature of the software itself.
Developed around CryptoKitties and the NFT creation system, the artwork utilizes visual metaphors to showcase the inner works of blockchain. Breaking step-by-step the process of how these NFTs are being created on the Ethereum network by the players.
Entirely SVG Animations
The Tech
The installation is composed of four screens displaying real-time SVG animations provided by After Effects + Lottie. With this workflow we explored how we could mix real time data with real time svg animations.
Our software reads real-time data from the game’s smart contract and analyzes the players’ interactions as they are creating new Kitties. Different animations are triggered by different events in the blockchain.
Group Show . Open Codes → ZKM, Karlsruhe (1st Sep’18 – 6th Jan’19). Curated by Peter Weibel and co-curated by Lívia Nolasco-Rózsás, Yasemin Keskintepe, Blanca Giménez.
Code . Renan Sgorlom . Bastian Müller
Sound . Ambrose Yu
Animation . Andrew Embury / Guile / Ricardo Mendes
Photos . © ZKM | Karlsruhe, Photo: Anne-Sophie Stolz